Sabbath Service Schedule 4/22/2023

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Messiah Yeshua! Please pray for Yeshua to join us as we all assemble together this shabbat following a brief hiatus. Community prayer will begin around 10:10 a.m. in the sanctuary, and service will begin around 10:30 a.m. I can’t wait to see you all on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 60 Bailey Ave., Manchester, NH 03104 for a time of rest in the Lord.

During our first service, I plan to deliver a sermon loosely based on this week’s Torah portions, which I am asking you to read prior to Shabbat: Leviticus 12:1-15:33; 2 Kings 4:42-5:19; Isaiah 66:1-24; Luke 2:22-35; Luke 7:18-35; Mark 1:35-45 ( During our second service, Pastor Daniel will be bringing us a message called “In the Beginning,” which may be the start of a new series: (

Repeated Information:

If you know anyone who is seeking the Lord and wants to learn more about what we’re doing, please ask them to contact me at or via our church phone number: 603-722-0258. I’m happy to meet with them and answer their questions during the week. Please also review and share the information on our Web page regarding our Sabbath service: For those who can’t make it, please look for our YouTube livestream broadcast or use the Zoom link around 10:25 a.m., both available here: We have a live events calendar on our webpage where you can view upcoming Holy Convocations, special events and what's on the menu each Saturday and in the weeks ahead:

First Fruits Ministries encourages members to participate in supplementary pastoral teaching for enhanced Biblical understanding. Late last month, we finally got through Part 8 of Daniel’s 21-part series on the Book of Galatians, so we will be shooting to watch Part 9 of the series, called “Galatians Unearthed,” this week. You can access the sermon series here: If you missed our previous supplementary teachings, please note that the full list of sermons to introduce you to essential doctrine can be found on our Media page: First Fruits Ministries Bible-study outreach series is available at Bible studies are held on the last Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. Guests are invited to join us on zoom or in person at 131 Amory St. in Manchester. Registration to join on zoom can be shared with others via this link: Mike Sutcliffe has asked me to run Corner Fringe Ministries’ Home Church Discipleship Group. If you’d like to join us for those monthly meetings, they are held online only via:

May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord shine the light of His face upon you and be gracious to you; and may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and grant you shalom!

‎יברכך יהוה וישמרך
‎יאר יהוה פניו אליך ויחנך
‎ישא יהוה פניו אליך וישם לך שׁלום

As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

‎אָנֹכִי וּבֵיתִ֔י נַעֲבֹ֖ד אֶת־ יַהְוֶה
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