About First Fruits Ministries

First Fruits Ministries is a first century Judeo-Christian Messianic congregation returning to the Jewish roots of the faith in the Messiah Yeshua through the Hebraic understanding of the Scriptures. We follow the divinely inspired holy scriptures, commonly referred to as the Old and New Testaments, as God’s holy Word for us to live by. We seek to understand the scriptures in the purest form possible, studying them from the Hebrew perspective and in the Hebrew and Greek languages in which they were written.

Our mission is to bring the Gospel to Jews, the Torah to Christians, and the good news of Yeshua to unite both Jews and Gentiles into one congregation, bringing unbelievers to faith and believers to trust in the Lord with all of their hearts, making disciples from all nations, teaching all to believe, repent and follow Yeshua.
First Fruits Ministries is a Bible-believing community desiring to live with conviction and passion for the Word of God, loving God and all people through Messiah Yeshua with the help of His Holy Spirit. Membership at First Fruits Ministries is informal and simple. It’s through faith in Yeshua, observance of His Torah, participation in our community and following the Biblical mandate to be faithful servants that together we become the body of Messiah and further His desires. Messiah Yeshua will always be the head of First Fruits Ministries, and our King has called for leaders to rise up to equip the saints for every good work.

First Fruits Ministries is an affiliate of Corner Fringe Ministries. Our church leadership is built upon the godly instruction outlined by Paul in Ephesians 4, 1 Timothy 3, and 1 Timothy 5:17. Our pastors, elders and deacons are men who are temperate, prudent, respectful, hospitable, able to teach, not addicted to wine, gentle, uncontentious, free from the love of money, and holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. Each of these men are approachable and willing to answer any questions you may have.
First Fruits Ministries is a Torah observant community as understood through the "whole counsel of God" and the New Covenant, meaning that we meet on the Sabbath each week, and we also meet for each of the Holy Convocation Days the Lord has commanded, which can be found in Leviticus 23. We do not meet for man-made holidays that were set up long after Yeshua ascended into Heaven. Of most critical importance, God clearly defines the Day He wishes us to honor and remember, and that day is the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week. We continue to keep the Sabbath on the day and in the way God ordained it in Exodus 20:8-11. Each one of the Lord's holy feasts point us to Messiah. It is a delight to observe them. Please keep reading to learn what to expect when you come and visit us and what to bring if you consider First Fruits Ministries your home congregation.
Every Sabbath Day (Saturday)
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Our local service begins around 10:30 a.m. and ends around noon.
(Located at the Calvary Chapel Manchester Campus)
60 Bailey Ave., Manchester, NH 03104
(Watch us online each Shabbat)

Monthly Bible Studies

First Fruits Ministries MONTHLY Bible Study
7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Last Tue
sday of Each Month
(Located at the Calvary Chapel Manchester Campus, Church Basement)
60 Bailey Ave., Manchester, NH 03104
LEARN MORE | Join Us On Zoom (Passcode: Yeshua)

Corner Fringe Ministries House Church Movement MONTHLY Meet-Up
8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Second Wednesday of Each Month
Led by Pastor Andrew
(Online only)
LEARN MORE | Join Us On Zoom

Discipleship Ministries

Mighty Men

Our Mighty Men program is a yearlong intimate and interactive discipleship program designed to strengthen your relationship with God, mirror the life of Yeshua, and overcome personal weaknesses while building upon character strengths. It's available to men around the world as meetings take place via online platforms like Zoom or Signal.



Online Fellow Fringers

Want to find more Messianic believers like you around the world who are part of the Corner Fringe Ministries Fellow Fringers' network?

Check out our Fellow Fringers Map to find brothers and sisters in your area.
Email Pastor Mike to be added to the map.

Join Corner Fringe Ministries' Facebook community.

Find Affiliate Churches.

Women of Valor

Our Woman of Valor program is a 15-month intimate and interactive discipleship program designed to strengthen your relationship with God, mirror the life of Yeshua, and overcome personal weaknesses while building upon character strengths. It's available to women around the world as meetings take place via online platforms like Zoom or Signal.