April Bible Study: \"Fruits of the Spirit: Self-Control\"

First Fruits Ministries presents "Fruits of the Spirit: Self-Control,” the ninth part in a multi-part Bible-study series about the fruits of the spirit. This Bible study presents more depth about the self-control of the Lord and the self-control He expects from us as we await the coming of His kingdom: https://bit.ly/40HtncA

Download the presentation slides: https://bit.ly/3LwLDBj

Fruits of the Spirit is a continuation of our Spiritual Warfare series, which explored how to identify the enemy and how to win the battles we’re confronted with. In the Fourth Part of that Series, we covered the works of the flesh and how that maps to lawlessness. Now we are continuing to look at the second part of that same section of Galatians.

Speaking about His disciples, Yeshua said “you shall know them by their fruit,” and Paul writes that “the Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control.”

Dig-in with us for this multi-part series to learn what these “fruits of the Spirit” actually look like and how to apply the lessons learned to our lives.
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