Sabbath Message 5/6/2023
The Importance of God's Feasts: Sabbath Message 5/06/2023
The message, "The Importance of God's Feasts," was delivered on location at 60 Bailey Ave., Manchester, NH for First Fruits Ministries Sabbath celebration on May 6, 2023. Here is the Odysee video archive:
For the presentation transcript, download the PDF here:
Sermons at First Fruits Ministries are based on weekly Torah Portion readings announced each week in the church bulletin. This week’s sermon is loosely based on: Leviticus 21:1-24:23; Ezekiel 44:15-31; Matthew 26:59-66; Luke 14:12-24: (
The Importance of God's Feasts: Sabbath Message 5/06/2023
The message, "The Importance of God's Feasts," was delivered on location at 60 Bailey Ave., Manchester, NH for First Fruits Ministries Sabbath celebration on May 6, 2023. Here is the Odysee video archive:
For the presentation transcript, download the PDF here:
Sermons at First Fruits Ministries are based on weekly Torah Portion readings announced each week in the church bulletin. This week’s sermon is loosely based on: Leviticus 21:1-24:23; Ezekiel 44:15-31; Matthew 26:59-66; Luke 14:12-24: (
The Importance of God's Feasts: Sabbath Message 5/06/2023