Sabbath Bulletin for 12/23/23

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Messiah Yeshua. Please join us in prayers for our community's strength and growth in the love of Yeshua as we come together for prayer, praise, worship and edification. First Fruits Ministries will meet for the Sabbath celebration on 12/23/2023 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 60 Bailey Ave., Manchester, NH 03104 for a time of rest in the Lord.

During our First Fruits Ministries Sabbath service this week, which begins promptly at 10:30 a.m., Pastor Andrew will deliver a message loosely based on the Torah Portion Readings for this week: Torah Portion Reading: Vayigash (He drew near): Genesis 44:18-47:27; Ezekiel 37:15-28; Luke 6:12-16; Luke 24:30-48; Acts 3:11-26: The livestream can be accessed here:

We will NOT be hosting a "rewind" service for Corner Fringe this coming Shabbat as a one-time exception, so Oneg will continue past 2 p.m. until people are ready to depart. Corner Fringe is devoting their service to information about the Anoka Community Mission, which is a fantastic Anoka, Minnesota-based mission that does great work run by Jason Berry, a member of the Corner Fringe community. For more information about the Anoka Community Mission, or to help out, please visit the organization's website at Please pray for our community to grow to a place where we can be involved in activities like this in our local area. If you would like to watch the livestream, you may do so here: or on YouTube here:

May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord shine the light of His face upon you and be gracious to you; and may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and grant you shalom!

יברכך יהוה וישמרך
יאר יהוה פניו אליך ויחנך
ישא יהוה פניו אליך וישם לך שׁלום

As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.

אָנֹכִי וּבֵיתִ֔י נַעֲבֹ֖ד אֶת־ יַהְוֶה
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